Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Puasa Air Ala Mahatma Gandhi

Fasting other than Muslims do in Ramadan also performed other faiths. Indian leaders, Mahatma Gandhi is often done fast, but what he did was water fasting or water fasting.

Gandhi believed that water fasting can cure various diseases. But how someone could survive only by consuming the water?

History records a few characters that do fasting, including Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato and Mahatma Gandhi. They believe that in addition to a form of worship, fasting also has benefits for the healing of disease.

Fasting is only drinking water the total water intake without any other substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and others. Gandhi used to do water fasting for 20 to 40 days. Miraculously, despite consuming only water and not get any food intake, Gandhi was able to survive.

"Actually, humans are able to survive only with water. To achieve a state of chronic hunger and cause death, it takes a very long time. I will not be a sudden crash," said dr. Angela C. Ardhianie N, when met in the event detikHealth Fasting Healthy, Do's and Dont's in Miniapolis Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday night (4/9/2009).

Gandhi always holds the principle that eating too much will hurt the body, and the only way to heal yourself is by fasting. According to him, fasting is a good natural therapies for health problems, give your body time to rest and natural detoxification efforts. Water fasting and what he did was not proven to make him sick, he just felt better.

dr. Angela also confirmed that water fasting is very good for those who want to heal themselves naturally. "Fasting is the water that Gandhi is an example of that water is a medium that can sustain and improve the natural metabolic system, but if someone wants to do the water fasting should be accompanied by a doctor to prepare the body condition before you do it," says Angela.

But what if someone wants to do the fast water while her body is sick? "If we are sick again forced to eat a lot to strengthen the immune system. But that is wrong because the organs will only work harder and make it hurt," said Angela.

"The truth is eat what to eat when sick, especially fruits, if not stronger will consume only water," explained Angela.

Doing water fasting is not easy, it takes strong determination and positive thinking to do. Not everyone stand only by consuming water. However, several studies have shown that water fasting is good for health, including:

    1. Cleaning the respiratory, digestive, and excessive urine in the body that can be toxic.
    2. Water to clean toxins more rapidly among all the other toxic waster media because the digestive organs more easily accept and pass by the water.
    3. Proven effective and good for type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    4. Improving immune cells and immunoglobulin levels.
    5. Reduce antigen-antibody complex that will enhance the activity killer cells, natural free radicals in the body.
    6. Extend.
    7. Stopping allergies, asthma and fever.
    8. Curing edema and distended abdomen.
    9. Normalize blood pressure within two weeks without the use of drugs.
   10. Addressing nicotine addiction, alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs as well as improving bad habits.
   11. Increase HDL good cholesterol that prevents heart disease such as cardiovascular, cancer and others.
   12. Provide motivation for more cleaned up and the path of a better life.

So, dare to try water fasting Gandhian?

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